2.0 TDI reinforced hexagonal driver pin

Version 3.1

Now even better!

Satisfied customers
1 +
Perfect fit
0 %
1 %
1 ,-$

The history

Version 1.0
  • Same size as the original
  • Hardened
  • Long version
  • Without thread
Version 2.0
  • Slightly adjusted size for better fit
  • New hardening technology for higher durability
  • Additional coating for extra protection
  • Long version
Version 3.0
  • Optimized size to reduce tolerances
  • Modified hardening process for higher load capacity
  • Improved coating for better wear resistance
  • Enhanced precision to minimize play in the bushing
Version 3.1
  • Size and tolerances refined for perfect fit
  • Improved hardening for maximum stability
  • Wear significantly reduced through precise manufacturing
  • Additional adjustments for specific requirements


Planned wear and tear

Imagine you buy a high-quality cordless drill but it breaks after just a few years. During the repair, it turns out that the manufacturer made the part super robust, but the gears were made of plastic.

Every mechanic now thinks, what’s the point of that. It can’t last long. This is called planned obsolescence. Replacing plastic gears with ones made of metal sounds like the simple solution at first.

But it’s not that simple. Metal has different properties than plastic. It could lead to vibrations that then damage bearings, for example. We approach such problems in a similar way. To save time and money, we bring our years of experience in engine development. The desired properties are then confirmed through tests of the numerous variants. After that, production and marketing begin.


Improving the clearance between the driver and the oil pump/balance shaft module.
Why it is not enough just to reinforce the driver...

Here is my worn original VW driver. You can clearly see how much the flanks have been beaten round. These parts have a dimension of 5.95mm. However, the bushes are 6.15mm. Due to this play, the driver constantly knocks back and forth in the bushes. Until they are round.

I was still lucky, because the oil pump was still driven a little. I can’t imagine what would have happened if the oil pump had suddenly failed while driving due to this faulty design.

Disappointed customer

(Before he discovered the MMHP driver pin)

The principle

Increase stabilityIncrease stability

The fundamental problem of the drive is its fit accuracy. This means there is too much play between the hexagonal drive and the two bushings. The drive establishes the connection between the balance shaft and the oil pump.

The engine thus turns the balance shaft, which then turns the drive, and the drive turns the oil pump. From the factory, the drive is slightly too small and therefore constantly hits its flanks against the bushings’ walls. The more space (play) there is, the greater the forces on the metal. The material is then worn away and deformed more and more. This creates even more play until eventually the drive is almost round and spins through.

The oil pump is then no longer driven. Engine damage will be the result.

Our reinforced drive literally compensates for this problem through size. We have chosen a dimension that was elaborately determined. The original oil pumps and balance shafts have manufacturing tolerances. So, we had to find a dimension that is larger but still fits into all pumps. With some modules, the problem arose that the bushings did not align 100%. We had to make sure that this was not a problem.

Additionally, the flanks are larger. There are no edge radii, as are present on the original drive.

The surface is finely ground and absolutely flat. This allows the surfaces to fit better.

The material is specially hardened. It is harder than that of the original VAG drive. This challenge was particularly demanding. We had to find a suitable base alloy that could be hardened under the researched conditions. However, the material could not become brittle. There was no risk of breakage.

Finally, the drive received a special hard coating. This is used, among other things, for high-strength cutting tools from the CNC industry. This further improves the wear properties.

Load analysis

Simulation of the overload

We also simulate the material stress using professional software. This way, the suitable material is identified during the development process. The material properties can be altered through various treatment processes.

The software assists in finding the ideal composition from the numerous combination possibilities.

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Online assembly instructions and more

The eGuide is the foundation for converting to the reinforced version. The necessary steps are described in a targeted manner with image and text.

Additionally, there are some valuable tips about the 2.0 TDI engine, which have emerged from years of experience and help in better identifying typical problems.

Here is a censored excerpt from the eGuide.

*The eGuide is available in English.

3D Viewer

Here you can rotate and turn the component yourself

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